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G/F, 28 Stanley Street
Central, Hong Kong
Get Directions
T: 2796 6988
E: oolaacentral@oolaagroup.com
G/F, 28 Stanley Street
Central, Hong Kong
Shop 2 Tower 2 Starcrest, 9 Star Street,
Wan Chai, Hong Kong
Get Directions
T: 2529 3823
Shop 2, G/F, Starcrest, 9 Star St, Wan Chai
Unit G30, G/F., Citygate, 18-20 Tat Tung Road. Tung Chung, Lantau Get Directions
T: 2319 2008
E: oolaatungchung@oolaagroup.com
Citygate New Extension, Tung Chung
Shop G16, G/F, Capri Place
33 Tong Yin Street
- In front of the French International School -
Tseung Kwan O
Get Directions
T: +852 2369 2866
將軍澳澳南海岸唐賢街33號Capri Place地下G16號舖
- 位於法國國際學校(將軍澳) -